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Introducing The Pinterest Traffic Takeover Workshop...
Join Me In This 5-Day Workshop As I Show You How To Sell More Products, Get More Subscribers, And Get All The Traffic You Need To Any Website You Want Using Pinterest!
Are you tired of NOT getting any traffic to your products, affiliate offers, services, optin pages, content (and the list goes on and on)? Then let me COACH YOU through my "Pinterest traffic getting system" so you can get all the traffic you want to ANYTHING you're wanting to promote.
Hi there and welcome to the online workshop invite page for The Pinterest Traffic Takeover Workshop!
I'd like to invite you to join me for 5 days and learn everything you need to know to use Pinterest to get all of the traffic you want to anything you're promoting.
With what I'm going to teach you in this online workshop, you can use Pinterest (one of BIGGEST sites online right now with a TON of traffic built into it) to...
Build your email list
Sell your digital products
Sell your physical products
Sell your services
Sell anything as an affiliate marketer
Get people to join your network marketing program
Get traffic to your content
... or anything else you want!
The Pinterest Traffic Takeover Workshop covers everything you need to know about getting traffic from Pinterest from A-Z. There are NO steps left out.
Just take a look at just a LITTLE of what you'll learn over the course of the entire 5 day online workshop...
Here's What You're Going To Learn In The Pinterest Traffic Takeover Workshop...
Day 1: Pinterest Profit Pumpers
We’re going to kick off this workshop by making sure your niche is on Pinterest AND covering several ways you can make money on Pinterest with different niches.
No matter if you have your own products/services, you’re an affiliate marketer, or any of the other 100 ways to make money online I can show you how to use Pinterest to create an income in 1000s of different niches.
You'll walk away after this day knowing if your niche will work on Pinterest AND how to make money with it in multiple ways in tons of different niches!
Day 2: The Full Pinterest Traffic Takeover Workshop
This is a full on workshop that shows you everything you need to know about using Pinterest to get traffic.
We will go over how to properly setup your Pinterest profile to get the most traffic, the newest 2019 features of Pinterest, how to design the best looking Pinterest images, how and what to Pin to Pinterest to get traffic, and so much more.
After today you'll know EVERYTHING you need to know about Pinterest and how to get traffic from it to any website you want!
Day 3: Content Creation Bootcamp
During this bootcamp we’re going to create 9 pieces of content that we will use for our first month on Pinterest. Don’t worry I’m going to make this super easy for you. We’re not going to be doing anything that requires a lot of time.
You’ll walk away with 9 pieces of content that you created VERY quickly, and be able to do it month after month to keep getting traffic from Pinterest.
Day 4: Pinterest Search Optimization Checklist
Pinterest really is a search engine and by optimizing your account and your Pins you can get a ton of people viewing your pins. Today I will show you my personal Pinterest Search Optimization Checklist.
You'll watch as I optimize all my pins for search on Pinterest, how it gets me a ton of traffic, and also get the checklist to use for yourself!
Day 5: Pinterest Pin Planning
What in the world do I Pin on Pinterest is a question I get asked a few times a day. So I’m going to go over 30+ different things you can create and Pin to Pinterest to get a ton of traffic.
During this day we’re also going to create a 365 day calendar filled with what we need to be doing each day for 1 year to get all the traffic we can from Pinterest.
After today you'll have my 365 day Pinterest Pinning Planner in your hand and be ready to rock the next year as a super Pinner and get massive amounts of traffic 24/7!
So at this point you might be thinking how amazing all of this sounds, but who is the person behind this workshop and can she actually teach me?
Let me answer that question for you...
Hey! It's Me... Liz Tomey!
Hi there!
I'm Liz Tomey and since 2004 I've been showing online business owners how to get traffic in various ways. If there's a way to get traffic, I've probably taught it over the past 15 years.
I do all my teaching via live online workshops (they're always recorded for those who can't make it live, and I'm available for questions for those who can't make it live too) where you can WATCH everything I do, and then replicate it for yourself.
This is hands down the best way for me to help people. Simply SHOW them what I'm doing, so they can do it for themselves.
These online workshops aren't just based on theory. These workshops are based on what I have tested and found to work.
And... These online workshops aren't just me talking in front of a Power Point presentation either! This is you WATCHING me on my laptop DO everything I'm teaching. You get to watch me from your computer (or phone) right over my shoulder just like you were there sitting next to me.
I don't leave any steps out, and it's why 1000's of people have come to me to learn!
Here's what just a few of my actual students have said about this workshop!

And Let's Just Talk About Even More Hands On Learning...
Not only are you going to get access to the entire Pinterest Traffic Takeover Workshop, but you'll also get access to the Mastermind Group where you can get quick help on anything you need, network with other attendees, even promote your business (on certain days), and have a load of fun!
I created the Mastermind Group as an add on here because I don't ever want you to feel like you're alone or that you can't get help.
As online entrepreneurs sometimes we feel like we're alone. Sometimes we get stuck on something and because we don't have any help, we quite.
With the Mastermind Group you'll never have these problems again.
There's always some kind of discussion going on in there, I'm in there to help you along with a lot of other super smart cookies, and we even have days where you can promote your business to the group, and even "group promotions" where we're helping each other promote our businesses.
The Mastermind Group alone is worth the insane price I'm charging to get access to the whole workshop, so make sure you USE this. 🙂 You'll see that this group will be invaluable to your success!
Are You Ready To Drain All The Traffic You Want From Pinterest?
As you can see my students love what and how I teach, and I'm more than qualified to help you out. I've been doing this stuff for 15 years now, and it's what I'm known for. 😉
I'm covering EVERYTHING you need to know to get all the traffic you want from Pinterest.
Literally... EVERYTHING!
So all you have to do now is click the purchase option below that you want, so you can have access to the Pinterest Traffic Takeover Workshop.
After purchase you'll be sent an email telling you how to attend the workshop.
And don't worry... If you have questions, you'll have access to me personally (not someone on my team or my help desk) to get the answers you need.
My guarantee to you is that I wont quit helping you until you no longer need my help. I'll be there for any questions you have and to help you do everything you need to do to get all the traffic you need from Pinterest.
So click on order button below and I'll see you on Day 1 of the Pinterest Traffic Takeover Workshop.
1 Attendee Ticket
This option gives you full access to the entire Pinterest Traffic Takeover Workshop, all updates, access to the Mastermind Group, any future bonuses that get added, and access to me (Liz Tomey) to help you with anything you need!
1 Attendee Ticket Plus The Reseller PLR License
This option gives you full access to the entire Pinterest Traffic Takeover Workshop, all updates, access to the Mastermind Group, any future bonuses that get added, and access to me (Liz Tomey) to help you with anything you need.
You'll also get FULL RESELLER PLR to the entire workshop, and everything that comes with it.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q.What Happens After I Purchase?
A.After purchase you will be able to access the Workshop Attendee Page where you can access the entire live workshop. This page will be where all of the downloads of the replays will be AND if you bought PLR to this workshop your PLR downloads will be there.
Q.How Long Will I Have Access?
A.Every single day of the workshop has been recorded. You will have access to the recordings and ALL teaching aids for EACH day. You will have access for at the very least one year. The recordings aren’t going anywhere, and Liz will be there to answer any questions you may have for as long as you have them. You will have direct access to her along with the Facebook group.
Q.When Does This Workshop Start?
A.This workshop starts as soon as you purchase and you can go through it day by day, all at once, or however you want!